Resurrection of the Lord (C) – April 17, 2022

It is the greatest miracle in the world! Jesus rose from the dead to testify to the man that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome by believing in God. We have probably found out about it many times. Remember how many times Jesus helped you when you were in need, when you put your trust in Him. Remember those times that were humanly hopeless, and everything ended well because you believed that Jesus would help you.

There were times when you came out of the grave of your sins to be resurrected and start your life anew with God. It was your miracle of resurrection by the power of Christ who rose first from the dead. This world will be better only when we will be better, when we have the courage to live God’s life. Then, when you live like this, you will be a witness of the Risen Jesus. We must live in such a way that Jesus will be not ashamed of us. We must to resurrect, to wake up and at all costs turn back from this wrong path of pursuit of material goods. Well, you will have many goods and you will not be happy. Your future – heaven or hell – depends on what kind of person you are.

At the final judgment, Jesus will ask you – what good have you done for others? He will not ask you how much you do have in your account, what kind of house and car you had. He will only ask you – did you have a heart for those with whom you lived. A wise man  asks God only for bread, so that he does not stop on his way to heaven, because he knows the time is short and there is nothing to strive to have, but to be. When you die, people will ask you how much have you left on your account? The Lord will ask you – what kind of man you were. I should live each day as if it would be my last. The Lord will knock unexpectedly to our door, and when He knocks you cannot say: Lord, maybe knock tomorrow because I didn’t have my confession yet, I haven’t reconciled with my brother yet, I haven’t fixed the wrong what I had done, I did not reconcile with my wife yet. We need to be vigilant so as not to sleep through the grace of meeting the Lord.

Jesus is alive. He lives in us through holy life. We cannot be like the soldiers guarding the tomb who slept through the moment of Christ’s resurrection. We cannot sleep through our lives. We must proclaim with our lives that Jesus is risen, that he is risen in you!