Holy Saturday (C) – April 16, 2022

Today, a man can do nothing for God when he sees the empty cross and the stone at the tomb. Today man can only wait. It is true that this is a different expectation from that experienced by Mary, the Mother of Jesus or the Apostles. She waited with hope, believing in the miracle of her Divine Son. They waited without faith that anything else would happen in their lives that would help them overcome their fear and uncertainty for the future.

Today, after so many centuries, we already know what we are waiting for. Holy Saturday, this day of silence and reflection at the Lord’s tomb, is for us a time, if not blessed, then a very necessary time to look into ourselves, into our humanity, in our faith. Hence we have the variety of readings in today’s liturgy – God wants to remind us of everything from the beginning, once more. And we are to, by listening to all these biblical stories, give God another proof of who we are and where is our place. God wants us to re-declare our belonging to Him, initiated by baptism and the profession of faith, by the action of His Son and the saints in our lives, supported by the renunciation of what is bad and what distances us from Him. This Saturday liturgy is to confirm that we are His – Gods’ children and we want to remain with Him through our entire life. And after this Holy Saturday’s liturgy, tomorrow morning, we will stand before the empty tomb of God’s Son and find out that everything what God has promised us – had happened and that the empty tomb is the beginning of our eternity with God.