Lord’s Baptism (C) – January 10, 2016

We move the clock forward nearly 2000 years to find a happy couple bringing their newborn infant to the church to be baptized. A crowd of family and friends have come to witness the event and to share in the happiness of the day. As the parents hold the child over the font, the priest pours water over the child’s head, saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” He anoints the child with oil on the forehead and says some prayers. Is this the life-changing experience foreshadowed by the baptism of Jesus? It has to be said that for most of those witnessing the baptism described here, will be a fairly bewildering ritual, but for those of us with faith something extraordinary is taking place. In this way we are born again of water and the Holy Spirit and enabled to enter the kingdom of heaven. It took Jesus 30 years to grow in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God and with people before the events of His baptism changed His life. The voice from heaven affirmed that He was truly the beloved Son of God. He knew that He had been sent to bring Good News to those who were poor. Maybe now we should spend some time pondering on what baptism really means for us. We have been exposed to the cleansing water of rebirth and renewed with the Holy Spirit. We have been forged in the furnace of fire of God’s love join Jesus in His mission to bring God’s saving love to our world. So now what are we going to do?