II Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) – January 17, 2016

The vast majority of us live – or have lived – as a part of some kind of family or household. For many of us, too, this daily or household experience is further complicated by the fractures, diverse choices and more complex family relationships that are increasingly a part of our societies. We can often find ourselves called to love the one we really don’t agree with, or the one who seems to have come in and disrupted what we had been used to. Opening our need to Jesus and His mother, and opening our hearts to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, transforms our mistakes, our squabbles, our brokenness and emptiness. The deeper our faith in these “ordinary mysteries,” the more often we can turn first to God in prayer, in all our household difficulties. And the more often, too, we will meet God’s grace and power in our own homes, and understand them as “domestic churches.”