Humble Shepherds (C) – December 27, 2015

Today as we recall how the shepherds and our ancestors in the faith were looked down upon, we should remember to always treat others with love and respect. This solemnity should be an encouragement to the poor, the humble and the lowly today, knowing that God cares for them and may be using them in a special way.

During the Holy Mass on this day we pray for our Prime Bishop, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Seminarians. We also pray for sacred vocations to the Holy Priesthood, that those men whom God has called may answer His call and serve His people as shepherds. At a General Synod a motion was made and passed that a special offering be taken on the Solemnity of Humble Shepherds for Savonarola Theological Seminary, the seminary of the Polish National Catholic Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania.