Christmas (C) – December 25, 2015

In the beginning”: that’s how it starts. In the Bible there are lots of words to describe Jesus from the heavenly angle, like “wisdom”, or “image”, or “radiance”. But the most important one is “word”. Jesus is the Word of God. At Christmas, we see this Word of God as a tiny baby in the straw. To this baby, Mary and Joseph will give the name of Jesus. Yet He will always continue to be the Son of God. This tiny person is eternal.

Our response is simply one of adoration. When we behold the Christ child in the arms of Mary, or on the cross for that matter, we behold the fathomless Son of God. He has taken flesh for our sake. Thank you, Lord, more than we ever say. “To all who did accept Him He gave power to become children of God.” Dear Lord, may we always deserve that title.