Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “A” – July 20, 2014

The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man.” So Jesus is the main player in our parable today. “Kingdom” in this sense doesn’t mean something political; it means a state of affairs where men and women will accept God as their Father, love Him with all their hearts, and love their neighbors too, as God’s children.

Jesus never gave up preaching the kingdom. He was immensly patient, even when the twelve apostles misunderstood Him, when the crowd deserted Him after His teaching on the Eucharist, when His fellow townspeople tried to kill Him. That immense patience of Jesus is there in today’s Gospel. What matters is that the Gospel should be preached right up to the moment of the harvest, in other words the Last Judgment.

We are called to share the Gospel with our neighbors. Through the Holy Spirit, He is alive among us now. Through the Eucharist, through the sacraments, He empowers us to believe and to hope, and to look forward to heaven as our true home. Like Jesus we are to be patient. We are to be persistent in sharing the Gospel; to be patient even when the results seem thin, when our world seems to have grown out of God. Yet God is infinitely patient with us. “You are mild in judgment,” says the first reading, “you govern us with lenience.” Even at this moment, God is patient with us, and with our world.