Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “A” – July 27, 2014

Solomon was a young man when he inherited the throne from his father, King David. He had no experience and much to learn, as is the nature of youth. But he had enough wisdom to ask for wisdom. He asked for the wisdom to rule well, and the ability to discern right from wrong.

In the Church today we need wise and eloquent preachers of the Gospel of Jesus. Indeed many preachers of the Gospel do not use words at all, but the example and the power of good lives faithfully lived in service of others.

We can think of parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends; so many people in this world who demonstrate by their daily life that they have found the pearl of great price, the treasure hidden in a field. The love of God alive in their hearts blesses our lives each day. These people are true images of Christ Jesus, and the wisdom of the Lord shines through them. Now it is our time to be wise. The prayer of Solomon can be our prayer.