Quinquagesima Sunday (C) – February 27, 2022

Hypocrite, remove the woodden beam from your eye …“.  A warning sent to all of us. Because in each of us there is a little, and sometimes even bigger, hypocrite who likes to admonish and rebuke others, often doing not better himself. But Christ wants us to see ourselves differently. First look on myself, then on others. That we would see our beam and really care about it, because it is a real danger for us.  Hypocrisy is like a small worm that bites from the inside and works systematically, destroying what is still healthy. And again we hear the words “a tree is known by its fruit ...”.  And it is worth to remember this Gospel phrase.  Because it allows us to look at others and see the truth in life and be sure that we are doing well ourselves.  Let us also see this hypocrite in us, and not let him dominate too much.