IV Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) – January 30, 2022

The right atmosphere for the maturation of Christian faith is love and that does not measure with a human measure. This measure is Jesus Christ himself, who passed through life quiet, humble, patient, doing good. The Apostle Paul characterizes love: “Love is patient, gracious…” Love cannot coexist with  jealousy, arrogance, anger or desire. Love is the greatest gift of the Holy Spirit. The value of all other virtues is limited compare with love. Only love connects in itself traditional values of Hellenistic culture: nobility,  righteousness, prudence, courage; only a true love, which model was given to us by Jesus Christ – has an everlasting value.

To get love means to gain holiness. It marked out love from others charisms and human abilities, which only “partially,” and only if they go hand in hand with love, help a man to achieve his deepest call, which is the eternal happiness in God.