IV Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – January 31, 2021

It’s the sabbath day; in the local synagogue Jesus is invited to preach. The people are deeply impressed. In their astonishment, they ask each other what it can all mean. Jesus is a prophet like no other; His teaching is teaching with a difference: for He teaches with authority. Other religious leaders simply pass on what they’ve learned from others, but Jesus’ teaching seems to well up from within himself. And He displays this authority not only in His words but also in His actions. It’s been said that in St. Mark’s Gospel Jesus does not merely appear on the scene, He explodes onto it. His appearance is dramatic. Who can ignore a man like this? Indeed, who is He? Where does His power come from? 

So Mark’s Gospel isn’t only a drama: it’s a challenge. What do I make of Jesus Christ? Who is He for me? Who is He, not just in theory but in practice; not just on Sundays but in the living of my daily life? And what about evil spirits? Did Jesus come to conquer them? In our modern, scientific world, we perhaps smile a little at the very mention of such beings. We might ask what drives human beings to do these things as: wars, crimes, destroying history, terrorism?! If today’s Gospel highlights the authority of Christ’s teaching, it is perhaps not surprising that the responsorial psalm should urge us to “listen to His voice! Harden not your hearts.” And if we listen, what shall we hear? Many things, but it will all come down to this: your God loves you, you are God’s child; God has prepared a place for you in God’s kingdom. Do not be afraid, God can conquer every evil that threatens your happiness. Live for God and for your sisters and brothers. When the people in the synagogue heard Jesus preach, they said: “Here is a teaching that is new.” And when we truly listen to Him – not merely with our ears but our hearts – then His teaching is always new, always carrying an appeal and a freshness, as though we were hearing it for the first time. It is always Gospel, always good news.