I Sunday of Advent – “B” – November 29, 2020

The problem is that Advent is often imprisoned in the world of shopping and the commercial build-up to Christmas. Recorded carols and office parties anticipate the feast but do not provide any room to prepare for the real significance of the coming of Mary’s boy child in Bethlehem.

Today the coming of the Christ child at Christmas is set against the context of the final coming. We are reminded that the child in the manger will not be just another Christmas baby but the Word made flesh. He is the Son of God, creator of the world. And He is the Son of Man who will come in glory on the clouds of heaven to call the whole of His creation at account. Like Israel before us, we prefer to stay in our comfort zone, live with our sins, and hope that God will get off our backs and go away.

How can we prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas? First, by placing Him in the perspective of His final coming as judge and Savior. But second, by being alert. Being alert like the servant in today’s Gospel who waits for his master to return, not knowing at what time he will come. And yet being alert also means that we must be ready for the risen Christ to come to us now. As Christ comes to us in this Mass through His word and His real presence in His body and blood we ask Him to make us ready for His coming at Christmas. And as we celebrate these days of Advent we pray for the courage to change, to give God more room in our lives and be alert so that we may obey the Lord’s command to stay awake as we wait His coming.