Fourth Sunday of Advent “A” – December 22, 2019

Each individual, and perhaps each generation, faces the same question that Ahaz and Joseph faced: whom do I trust? On what foundations do I build my life? The fundamental promise that God makes – to Ahaz, to Joseph and to us – is: “I am with you.” And the choice  each of us then has to make is: do I trust God? Do I live my life based on the belief that through all the challenges and difficulties of life, God is with me, with us as a community? As we face our own threats and challenges in life – both as individuals and as Church – we can, like Ahaz, choose to place our trust in the false gods of our own time: materialism (money, possessions) or power (using people for our own ends, putting popularity, status and success before principle, and truth). Or, like Joseph, we can listen to the still, quiet voice of the God who speaks to our better self in the silence of our dreams and our hopes – the God who quietly yet persistently invites us to live our lives in hope and confidence, rather than insecurity and fear. To genuinely trust God – to believe that God is with us – has the most profound consequence for our lives and for our community.