Low Sunday “C” – April 28, 2019

Today we are the recipients of 2000 years of faith-filled witness in the life of the Church. We, too, believe not just because we have been told. We have seen the difference that faith makes in people’s lives, in our own lives. We touch wounds of Jesus as we respond with compassion to the needs of the world around us. We believe that whatsoever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do for Christ. We believe that He reveals Himself to us in the love that we receive from others and the love that we are able to give to others.

The truth is: Jesus Christ in risen from the dead. He continues to live and love, to bring healing and peace through the lives of His faithful disciples. Jesus so identifies with our broken humanity that the wounds of those who suffer today are His wounds. Whenever we reach out in compassion and kindness to touch and heal those wounds, our faith comes to life, so that we can pray with Thomas: “My Lord and my God!”