Quinquagesima Sunday (“A”) – February 26, 2017

Many people live very stressful, busy rushing from place to place, trying to make ends meet and worrying about the future. There are many things to worry us if we let them, genuine concerns over health, housing, hope for the future – all these things are real enough and can bear heavily upon us. The Lord is aware of these issues of anxiety and He does not take them lightly. He addresses them directly. We worry about food for the table and clothes for our children and a roof over our head and security for our future. Life is about these things, but as the Lord reminds us today life is also about much more than these things. Life is about where you set your heart. If your heart is centered in the right place, if you focus your energies on right living and on God’s honest truth, then worry will fade away. Our place in the world is to be the children of God and to live according to the spirit of God’s kingdom. When that happens the power of worry fades and faith grows strong. The issues of life are always there for us but now they no longer loom over us as a threat or dark cloud. We will negotiate life on God’s terms, and God’s ways are peace.