Second Sunday of Advent (“A”) – December 4, 2016

St. John is pointing us to Christ, just as He did for the people who came to hear him preach in his day. He tells us to repent that we may be saved. St. John convicts and Jesus absolves. And so the Church urges us in Advent to seek out the Sacrament of Confession, or reconciliation, for it provides the healing we need. It gives us the opportunity to examine our lives and so see what is keeping us from Christ this Advent. And so although Jesus teaches us that we are not to judge other people, we can use this opportunity to judge our own lives so that we may accept God’s forgiveness and healing. We acknowledge those things weigh us down and keep us from God so that we may be liberated. Then when we are absolved we shall be ready to welcome our Savior when He comes to us at Christmas.