Thirteenth Sunday (“C”) – June 26, 2016

When the Lord calls us and says, “Follow Me,” the response He is looking for is an immediate one. To the person who says, “Let me go and bury my father first,” Jesus’ reply is quite clear, “Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.” There is a popular hymn that uses words from this Gospel, “The foxes have their holes and the swallows have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay down.” Despite the cheerful tune, the message, if we think about it, is an alarming one. Jesus has nowhere to call His home.

If we understand Jesus properly there is no reason for us to fear. Jesus is telling His disciples that their bsiness is the proclamation of the kingdom of God. If it is their business that means it is our business, here and now. People can often forget that we are in this business together as brothers and sisters. People can sometimes think that they are not the worthy ones and a holier and more qualified person will come along. Jesus is telling us very clearly today that the proclamation of the kingdom is the business of all of us.

In this coming week, look at ways in which you are able to respond to the Lord’s call. Jesus has said to each and every one of us, “Follow Me,” and that is why you and I are here at Mass. Let’s not fall into the trap of waiting for a holier-looking person to come along. We ourselves, with God’s holy grace, are the people called by the Lord to follow Him. Whatever we may look like, whoever we may be, whether we receive recognition for it in this world or not, we are called to the business of proclaiming and building up the kingdom of God.