Third Sunday of Easter (“C”) – April 10, 2016

The story of Jesus’ appearance by the See of Galilee after the resurrection is one of the great dramatic stories in the New Testament. Most of the disciples had returned to Galilee and were just sitting around until Peter perked them up by suggesting that they went fishing. A man shouts to them from the shore and tells them where to cast the net and find fish. Immediately, the nets are heaving with the catch. When the disciples reach shore, they realized it is Jesus, and He feeds them. On the shores of the See of Galilee they once more find themselves called. Peter especially is asked to reaffirm his love for Jesus 3 times, overriding his denying of Jesus 3 times. What Jesus always did among the disciples He does again – He gives life and hope in abundance.

Being followers of Jesus gives our lives meaning and direction. We are often busy but without a strong sense of purpose and meaning. Mission today includes recognizing our connection in love with the natural world that is God’s creation. As we offer God the “fruit of the earth” in the Eucharist, we are called to respond to the world’s poor people, who are struggling to survive amidst the diminishing abundance of the natural world and ravages caused by climate change. We also reflect that followers of Jesus are called to be people of hope. Amidst the disappointments in everyday life or the violence in today’s world or human abuse of God’s creation, we are to look for the signs of hope and retain a positive vision. Even when we feel unworthy and powerless, God is with us and blesses us.