Passion Sunday (C) – March 13, 2016

We are moving towards the end of lent, a season of repentance traditionally seen as a time for “giving up” something, of fasting, giving away and prayer. In the light of God’s word to us today, we can reflect on how these are all ways of “letting go” of the things that so often ensnare us, of our own needs and appetites, our own self-determination even.

It is a good exercise, at this time of our year, to spend a little time reflecting on what in our past we are still holding on to, in ways that hold us back from following Jesus more fully. There may be sins, long forgiven, but which still shape our thinking and behavior; our routines and disciplines that were once life-giving and helpful, but which are now empty and deadening. For all of us there will be things we are being called to leave behind so as do be freer still to walk with our Lord. To identify some small way in which we could take a step away from these past burdens and towards God’s “new thing” in our life is the Lenten invitation for the coming week. It is such a letting go that will enable us to respond to the freedom Jesus offers us in His compassion and forgiveness: He lets go of our past sins and difficulties, but we are called to do so too. Then we can be free to follow Him into a new life, confident in His companionship.