Holy Saturday – March 26, 2016

Actions, they say, speak louder than words. Today is full of unique actions and symbols that even in silence may touch our hearts. The dancing flames of the new fire were in honor of our Savior. The Paschal Candle leading us into church symbolized our Easter Lord leading us towards heaven. The sweet sounds of Exsultet were the song of the Church rejoicing.

Soon we shall rejoice with those being welcomed into the Church today, and renew our baptismal vows and be sprinkled with holy water, itself a symbol of baptism. We have gathered together, like the women in the Gospel. But our task is not to anoint a dead body: it is to meet our risen Lord in this first Easter Eucharist.

We know that the resurrection is a reality that makes us what we are – an Easter people, a people who amidst the darkness and difficulties of life carry in our hearts a secret joy that nothing can take away. And, please God, we also carry a humble determination to proclaim through our daily living the fascinating, glorious news of the resurrection.