Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 26, 2015

From time immemorial, people of religious faith have seen the hills and mountains as signifying the meeting of heaven and earth. In the scriptures, such meetings took definitive form. At Mount Horeb, Moses received God’s revelation from the middle of the burning bush; on Sinai he received the Ten Commandments from God. To Elijah at Mount Horeb God was revealed not in mighty wind, earthquake or fire, but in a gentle breeze. Jesus went into the hills to pray. He fasted in a mountainous wilderness, was transfigured on a mountain and preached the Sermon on the Mount.

When the small boy gave Jesus the loaves and fish, heaven and earth met on a mountainside. From his poverty the boy have Him all he had and Jesus transformed his offering beyond all understanding. Jesus said that unless we change and become like little children we shall never enter the kingdom of heaven. The little boy shows us how to change that we might live forever with the Lord on His holy mountain.