Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 28, 2015

Jesus offers us two examples of healing and new life through faith. First, Jairus, the synagogue official, asks Jesus to come and lay His hands on his little girl to make her better and save her life. In the sacrament of anointing of the sick the priest lays his hands in silence on the sick person before the oil is applied to head and hands. The the young woman suffering from the haemorrhage knows she has to touch Jesus for healing, even though such an act in Jewish law will make Him unclean because of her condition. Jesus commands her faith, a faith that has enabled her to put trust in Him and go beyond the accepted boundaries of convention. In later Greek tradition the woman was given the name Berenice, which translates into the Latin Veronica, the woman who in the Stations of the Cross wipes the face of Jesus on His journey to Calvary, leaving the imprint of that face on the cloth.

We are taught both to receive life from Jesus and to convey His gift of life to others. We are invited to be touched by Him and remain in touch with Him. Without His love in our hearts we are not fully alive, and we are certainly not able to offer that love to others. Our hearts and minds are touched as we listen to His word during the liturgy, and we are nourished spiritually as we receive the gift of His body and blood in communion. By the simple act of a handshake when we exchange a sign of peace we proclaim the peace that exists between us. We may not be, for the most part, doctors or nurses, but the way we greet each other, the way we smile, the way we listen, the way we hold each other in friendship or compassion, are all carrying out of love of Christ and our witness to Him.