Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – May 31, 2015

In our readings is a message that takes us to the heart of why, as Christians, we do everything “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” These words tell us about God’s abiding love for us, God’s presence with us, and the mission that God calls us to. The risen Jesus, taking leave of His disciples at His ascension, not only says, “I am going to prepare a place for you;” but also, as Matthew records, instructs His followers to go out and make disciples.

It is all too easy on Trinity Sunday to content ourselves with naming the Trinity as “mystery” and then go about our business as normal. The Trinity tells us who we are, as baptized people; it opens us the riches of prayer and intimate life with God; it assures us of God’s closeness to us as we go out to do God’s work in the world. In practice, then, simply to begin each day “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” is to enter, day by day, more deeply into this mystery of love. From such prayer we can find small but powerful ways of living the mission of the Trinity in our lives. Let’s find moments in the coming week where, like God who is Trinity, we can go out to others in love, knowing God is with us in all things.