Humble Shepherds – “B” – December 28, 2014

Among the occupations in the Holy Land in the first century, shepherding had a lowly place. Because their work made them ceremonially unclean, shepherds were considered untrustworthy. The text tells us they were “living” in the fields. Their occupation required them to provide water, food, shelter, medication, aid and protection. Shepherding was strenuous, even dangerous work. It was expected that the shepherd would come between the lion or bear when one would attack the flock.

God reveals himself to the downtrodden and despised. They represent the lowly and humble who receive God’s revelation. The most obvious implication is that the Gospel first came to the social outcasts of Jesus’ Day. The entire drama that surrounds the birth of Jesus takes place with no part given to the secular or religious rulers of the land. No politicians. No celebrities. No paparazzi. No athletes. No religious leaders. He is still doing this today. God seeks the forgotten, those who society rejects or ignores – the downtrodden and dejected.