Solemnity of the Christian Family – October 12, 2014

God’s word of wisdom to children is simple: Children, obey your parents in the Lord. It is a simple and straightforward word. How it is needed! This might be a shock, but children don’t always obey their parents. Seriously, God does promise that life will be easier if we obey our parents. Hassles at home will be fewer, and life will have a more peaceful and joyous quality to it. Generally, this will result in a longer and healthier life. Parents do not have the right to beat and mentally torture their children, but they have a God given responsibility for their upbringing in the Lord. Discipline your son while there is hope. And do not desire his death. There is proper timing for discipline. You will not be successful if you wait until your kids are problem teenagers. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet for those who have been trained by it, received the yield of the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Whatever we do, however, it is our responsibility to nurture, train, and instruct our children in what it means to follow Jesus. The greatest gift we could ever give our children would be a desire to know Jesus.