Passion Sunday – “A” – April 6, 2014

What makes the tears of Jesus particularly striking is that they were not simply an emotional reaction. His emotions are perfectly integrated with His reason, and His reason is undamaged by sin, Jesus always sees to the very causes of all the sin and suffering in the world. One of those causes is, as srcipture tells us, the work of the devil. Tears by themselves, of course do not raise the dead. But because Jesus is also divine, He was, and is, able not merely to return life to a corpse, but truly to resurrect us all.

How do we apply all this to our lives? Part of the good news is that in the first place we don’t have to. In the first place God applies it all to us. Our part is to respond to and nourish this life of grace, to make the Holy Spirit welcome in our hearts and minds. By living a sacramental life in the Church, we are nourished by the sacraments and prayer and good works. But we can always do more to appreciate what God is doing with us.